Past Events

The Crow's World Massacre
This was the very first event designed and run by DGP.
For three days, hard-pressed Imperial Defenders faced down Warlord Grimtoof's Waaaagh! over the amazing gaming tables at Warhammer World.
Check out our ongoing Octarius Campaign here.

CitizenCon 2019 (2949)
Manchester 23rd Nov 2019

On a cold, wet day in November, DGP joined the 500 people at the Manchester Convention Centre for CitizenCon. These events are awesome by themselves, but add friends, lots of drink, American smokehouse BBQ and free stuff, it's even better!
This is what DGP are all about - attending awesome events as a community!

Insomnia 56
The UK's biggest LAN Parties

Insomnia Gaming Festival is a weekend-long event for all things gaming. As well as playing games before they're released, getting to play VR and exclusive merchandise, over a thousand gamers bring PCs for the UK's biggest LAN party.
Food and drink delivered to your seat, and four days for as much gaming as you can handle? What's not to love?